Is dating in New York really like they say it is?


New member
Every sitcom from Friends to Seinfeld to How I Met Your Mother and Sex and the City is based in New York.

While I understand that all those shows exaggerate a bit, I'm still wondering is dating in New York really like they say it is on TV or is it wildly different?

Are there really that many people hooking up and breaking up? What's your experience like?

Never been to New York but from what I've heard the population is crazy, and it's very ethnically diverse.
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omg dating in NYC is just as crazy as depicted on TV.

But the real sin is that everyone on TV seems to live in really fancy apartments, and only the super rich can afford to do that! So yeah shows like Friends and Sex and the City obviously don't get that down.

You are always going to meet a Chandler, or a Ross, or a George Costanza. I'd like to think of myself as an Elaine stereotype. 🤓

I lived in New York City for four years before moving upstate.

And yes, to an extent, the partner swapping is real. Because there are so many people, and so many possible matches, you always second guess yourself and wonder, "Could I do better?" Especially if your partner just doesn't value you as much as he could.

I do use AFF, and Flure (avoiding Ashley Madison lately) and believe it or not, sometimes you actually go out on a date, meet someone, feel no sparks at all.

But they have a friend who knows a friend, and if you stay in touch, sometimes you can network your way into a more ideal relationship.

I think there is a closeness and camaraderie with New Yorkers more than in other big cities.

One of my aunts was in NY when the towers fell and she said that she instantly bonded with people in the shop, after it happened. They kind of bunkered down and stayed in the shop and told people they could stay for shelter.

They still talk to this day. Friendships sometimes outlast relationships, if you can understand that. And I really do!
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Yeah I get what you're saying.

NYC dating is all about meeting so many people, you very quickly learn what you want and don't want.

But dating apps are still helpful. They can show you profiles of people and basically give you those deal breakers upfront.

Some people I know will swipe left on people who say stupid shit in their profile, like "No women who blah blah blah" and any other negative shit.

So they're useful in that sense. Because it's impossible to meet NYC's finest just at the bar scene or in the subway.
That's a good topic actually, dating sites New York centered.

When I think of New York dating I think dating sites like Tinder, Adult Friend Finder, Bumble and Flur. But just wondered if New Yorkers use any other app more often.
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New York dating favors more unique sites and apps in my opinion.
Tinder and Tinder clones are getting old.
Coffee Meets Bagel is popular here. Happn is definitely getting people's attention because how many people do you bump into in NYC? A lot! It is cool to instantly see their dating profile pop up.

OkCupid is cool, because of its questionnaire, more dealbreaker issues than personality test.

Bumble is still popular too because of the BIZ and BFF mode because hey, sometimes you do end up banging your friends and work acquaintances lol
More New Yorkers are online than you realize.

Ever visit Reddit? You know how many ads I've seen for NYC w4m?

I wish more of those free random acts of blowjobs girls were closer to Fort Wayne.
Ashley Madison too. It's supposed to be the forbidden city of married women looking for horny young men. But I would advice against getting involved with people who have partners. Sure way to get your face smashed if the SO catches you.