Let's be real - what is dating in Chicago really like?


New member
Was wondering if anyone has experiences dating in Chicago, and can answer a few questions?

I was thinking of visiting some friends and maybe hitting the nightlife. But I've heard that Chicago is unsafe.

Is that true? And are there lots of single people to date or does it have the same problems as other big cities?
I think it's only truly dangerous if you hang out in the wrong neighborhoods.

I don't know about everyone else, but I grew up in a fairly big city. And there lots of places you could hang out and chat, and no big deal. And a few places your family and friends always told you to avoid. Drug dealer neighborhoods, or just gang territory. There are some of these in almost every big city.

So I don't think Chicago is the cesspool some people seem to think it is.

Dating in Chicago is diverse, lots of different people and nationalities. There are party animals here, but a lot of folks who are more mature and looking for something stable.

From what I can see from my backyard, there are a lot of single people here who are hard to impress.

And in a big city where there are tons of people men are always going to be competing for women's attention. On the other hand, since this is the midwest technically, I don't think it's quite as competitive as say New York.

You could use a Chicago dating app and I know Tinder, Flure, Adult Friend Finder, EliteSingles, and Ashley Madison are pretty popular in the Windy City.

I would say Chicago is also not as much a transplant city as cities up north, and there might actually be more people ready to settle down here, who aren't at the first level of their new career.

In short, you do have to diversify the way you date and don't waste too much time chasing after someone who doesn't seem to like you. In a big city, there are always more options.
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There are a lot of different avenues, and it figures for such a big city and diverse population.

But there are just as many people who avoid dating apps, and would rather meet someone at single's events, or meetup events. Even charity work is pretty big in the city, and volunteer work is actually a great way to meet someone sincere in my opinion.
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Chicago is the worst.

And you're way over thinking it if you think all the great people are working at charity events and helping underprivileged.

Gimme a break. Chicago is known for a lot of selfish and career driven people.

So if you want Chicago dating that's easy I'd spend more time on Ashley Madison or Adult Friend Finder. Because they're easy and both fairly anonymous.

Adult Friend Finder isn't as anonymous but if you don't mind being on video you can always use an alias.

I'm not saying it's the whole state, mainly just the city. Probably more unhappy married women in Chicago than any other US city!
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