Dating in Philadelphia - Tragic Love Story


New member
I moved to Philadelphia a few years ago, in hopes of starting a new life and maybe finding someone special, settling down, the whole she-bang.

Unfortunately, I never met anyone who was serious about a relationship all the time I was there. Even hookups were hard to come by.

Why exactly is Philly the city of brotherly love? I lost my heart there and went back home last year.

Anyone else have any good dating experiences in Philadelphia?
Well, rather than villainize an entire city for your tragic love life, maybe think about in terms of demographics.

It's true, Philly is not the best place for relationships. A lot of people are tentative residents, or are there for hospitals and other caregiving professions.

These are beyond full time jobs that really take a toll on the person. Just the hours they work, let alone the stress, makes socializing very difficult.

Lots of blue color workers too, so relationships are hard, maybe hookups aren't so difficult though.

Because nurses are hot and they do have to relieve some stress some of the time!

Are you looking for a serious relationship or just down on your luck because you didn't strike gold?

I also think you have to join a few apps at once if you really want to get noticed. Tinder, AFF (Adult Friend Finder), Flure, and Ashley Madison seem to be the big ones around Philly.

Where are you at now, anyway? I kind of doubt it's any better or worse than Phily.
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Haven't heard of Flure but I know Adult Friend Finder is good for hookups. Most people on there are already naked in their profile!
Ashley Madison too. It has marrieds, unmarried, just pretty much a free for all fuckathon, if that's what you want.

I think Tinder is wearing everyone. Try another app.

Facebook dating works too. Although I don't really know if my friends of friends are dateable.