What's the best app to find a Miami date?


New member
I'm vacationing in Miami and have been shot down 5 times tonight! Damn!

What apps have all the cool single people on? I even paid for Tinder Premium and still haven't had any good matches. Where are all the single peeps in Miami?

I'd settle for married but looking at this point!

Bring me another mojito! I'm a little wasted but the post is serious tho
Hmmm maybe you're not scoring very well because you've had too much to drink?

I've been to Miami and it's actually a pretty comfy laid back place.

Now are some of the people superficial? I can't lie.

There are more women than men in my opinion, and really good looking guys are not all that common. But besides the usual bar hopping guys there are also players, young tech guys, definitely a lot of gold diggers, and just toxic a-holes.

But...are there really cool people here too? Of course.

It also really helps if you speak OK to fluent Spanish because a lot of Cubans are touring the nightlife.

I know Tinder and Ashley Madison are popular in Miami, and probably because those apps are travel friendly. Adult Friend Finder is too, and I've heard of Flure and PURE. (Which I sometimes get confused!)

I would just download some apps or dating sites that look decent to you.

Keep us updated on your adventures though, bro.
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I know for a fact that dating in Miami must be expensive!

It's not only a high cost of living city, but the restaurants, the bars, the beaches.

I mean to some extent you can control cost if you just want to walk around South Pointe Park or something. You can also stop spending so much money on just one person who said yes. That does not equate a relationship and is not worth an expensive dinner.

But at the same time I've also heard there are some vain people that care about money, status, and just superficial types. But I mean, those vain types are really good in bed so why complain?
Oh shit I'm sorry. o_O

I don't know Miami well enough to give a tour. Only what I've seen. And from what I know, Miami dating is very much like the touristy part of Miami. Beach fun, national parks, kayaking and canoeing, museums.

You basically meet people in all walks of life and some of those people are dating material and some are not.

It's really a nice city though and the women are beautiful just like the scenery.
I'd still say Miami is a somewhat transient state when it comes to people so it's more like a matter of finding them at the right time and place. A lot of Miami residents are online and with social channels it's fairly easy to find someone's profile you just met.
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I dunno, some of those apps creep me out. They're all about sex and while I like sex, I kind of take things slow in the beginning. Flure and Ashley Madison are a bit too in my face. Haven't tried AFF yet.

But eHarmony is creepy for the reverse reason. Too serious, where as I want something just chill and hanging out. You get me?